


张利生  博士、教授、博士生导师


      2004 年博士毕业于中科院北京动物所。先后在美国温安洛研究所,芝加哥洛约拉大学医学院,洛杉矶国家医学中心从事胆汁酸核受体,肝脏再生与干细胞、代谢、炎症和药物开发等动物模型研究。已经发表文章26篇,第一作者或者通讯作者文章13篇。 2012年、2013年、2014年连续三年在SCI 影响因子 > 10.0 的国际知名刊物上以第一作者发表文章(2014年为并列第一作者)。担任国际期刊 BioMed Research International的Guest Editor和 Xenotransplantation、World Journal of Gastroenterology、Journal of Genetics and Genomics等期刊审稿人。欢迎对肝脏损伤修复动物模型、肝脏再生与干细胞或者药物研发感兴趣的同学加盟!与国内外多家实验室保持合作关系,让您的科研之路前景更加广阔!


2001.09 - 2004.07, 中科院动物所,生理学,博士生






1.Chen W*, Zhang L*, Zhang K, Zhou B, Kuo M, Hu S, Chen L, Tang M, Chen Y, Yang L, Ann K D, Yen Y. (2014) Reciprocal regulation of autophagy and dNTP pools in human    cancer cells. Autophagy 10:1272-1284(* Equal contribution)
2.Zhang L, Yang L, Liu X, Chen W, Chang L, Chen L, Loera S, Chu P, Huang W, Liu Y, Yen Y. (2013) MiR-657 promotes tumorigenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting

   transducin-like enhancer protein 1 through NF-κB pathways . Hepatology 57:1990-1995.
3.Zhang L, Wang Y, Chen W, Wang X, Lou G, Liu N, Lin M, Forman B, and Huang W. (2012) Promotion of liver regeneration/repair by Farnesoid X Receptor in both liver and

   intestine in mice. Hepatoloy 56: 2336–2343
4. Zhang L, Li T, Yu D, Barry F, Huang W. (2012) FXR protects lung from LPS induced acute injury. Mol Endocrinol. 26: 27-36

5. Zhang L*, Huang X*, Meng Z, Dong B, Shiah S, Moore DD, Huang W. (2009) Significance and mechanism of CYP7a1 gene regulation during the acute phase of liver

    regeneration. Mol Endocrinol. 23:137-145. (* Equal Contribution)
6. Zhang L, Kang L, Bond W, Zhang N. (2009) Interaction between syntaxin 8 and HECTd3, a HECT domain ligase. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 29(1):115-121.
7. Chen W, Wang Y, Zhang L, Shiah S, Wang M, Yang F, Yu D, Forman B, Huang W. (2010) Farnesoid X receptor alleviates age-related proliferation defects in regenerating

    mouse livers by activating Foxm1b transcription. Hepatology. 51(3):953-962
8. Liu N, Meng Z, Lou G, Zhou W, Wang X, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Liu X, Yen Y, Lai L, Forman BM, Xu Z, Xu R, Huang W. (2012) Hepatocarcinogenesis in FXR-/- mice mimics

    human HCC progression that operates through HNF1α regulation of FXR expression. Mol Endocrinol. 26:775-85.
9. Chen WD, Wang YD, Meng Z, Zhang L, Huang W. (2011) Nuclear bile acid receptor FXR in the hepatic regeneration. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1812(8): 888-892
10. Meng Z, Liu N, Fu X, Wang X, Wang YD, Chen WD, Zhang L, Forman BM, Huang W. (2011) Insufficient bile acid signaling impairs liver repair in CYP27(-/-) mice.

     J Hepatol. 55(4):885-895.


1.国家重点研发计划2017.07- 2021.12
2.中央高校业务费-学校自主创新 2016.01-2018.12
3.中央高校业务费-学校自主创新 2017.01-2019.12
4.教育部留学回国基金 2015.01-2016.12

